Early Research/Pre-Clinical

Your unique personality, experience, and skill set make you a perfect fit for a career in Early Research and Pre-Clinical. The jobs listed below could be a great fit for you.

Specimen Accessioner

Specimen Accessioner

A specimen accessioner catalogs samples and specimens for review, then sends their findings to doctors or lab professionals for further research and analysis.
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Laboratory Technician

Laboratory Technician

A lab technician gathers and chemically analyzes samples, preparing solutions and aiding in all things related to lab equipment upkeep and maintenance in order to do so.
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Combining biology, computer science, and math to interpret and analyze data, bioinformaticians problem-solve in order to accomplish research goals.
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From testing a drug formula to optimizing its shelf-life, scientists at CROs are responsible for overseeing the steps in drug development that lead up to clinical trials.
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Header image photo credit: GRAIL